182 • 2018 ASHA CONVENTION PROGRAM BOOK As of July 31, 2018 1808 How to Get Paid What You’re Worth as an Employee or Independent Contractor in Telepractice SA 10:30AM-11:30AM / CC, 151AB (Lvl 1) Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Lesley Edwards-Gaither, Howard U; Mel Cohen, ASHA, Vice President for Finance; Larry Jakubowitz, John W. Brooker & Co., CPAs This session is developed by, and presenters invited by, Telepractice and Technology. It’s time for you to learn how to determine your value as a telepractice provider. We’ll teach you to negotiate a salary or hourly wage with benefits, perks and bonuses that equal the quality of your performance. You’ll also be introduced to the advantages, drawbacks, legal and tax issues of being an employee versus an independent contractor. TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY (GI) 1809 Back to School Postconcussion: Student Needs & System Level Challenges SA 10:30AM-11:30AM / Westin, Grand Ballroom CD Introductory; Research AUTHOR(S): Katy O’Brien, UGA; Anna Fink, UGA; Rebecca Posey, UGA Concussion in young student-athletes has generated conversation around safe return to play. However, students face academic challenges as they return to the classroom postconcussion. This seminar will provide an overview of the rapidly evolving understanding of management of concussion in academic settings, including current research examining student experiences of return to learn at the high school and college levels. VESTIBULAR/BALANCE ISSUES ACROSS THE LIFESPAN (AUD) 1810 Pediatric Balance Disorders: Audiologists & Speech-Language Pathologists SA 10:30AM-11:30AM / CC, 107C (Lvl 1) Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Devin McCaslin, Mayo Clinic This session is developed by, and presenters invited by, SIG 9: Hearing and Hearing Disorders in Childhood. Vestibular disorders in children are increasingly being recognized as an important health issue in this population. This presentation will review the relevant aspects of maturation of the balance system as well as cover the effects of impairment on key developmental milestones. Finally, techniques will be provided that clinicians can use to determine if a referral for further testing is warranted. VOICE AND ALARYNGEAL COMMUNICATION (SLP) 1811 A Case-by-case Dissection of Voice Therapy: The It Factor SA 10:30AM-11:30AM / Westin, Burroughs Intermediate; Research AUTHOR(S): Jacqueline Gartner-Schmidt, U of Pittsburgh; Edie Hapner, U of Southern California A newly coined category of voice therapy is “meta-therapy”. This crucial component of training has also been referred to as “clinical expertise”, “silent know-how” or the “It” factor. Via viewing multiple video cases of voice therapy, the nuances of meta-therapy will be outlined. Attendees will increase their confidence in veering away from the “what” to the “how” of voice therapy. ACADEMIC AND CLINICAL EDUCATION (GI) 1812 Fostering Cultural Competence in Speech- Language Pathology Academic & Clinical Education: Challenges, Experiences & Recommendations SA 1:00PM-2:00PM / CC, 106 (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Sharimila Ambrose, Plattsburgh St U of New York This presentation aims to: i) describe the challenges and experiences in teaching multicultural issues to speech-language pathology students; and ii) provide and discuss recommendations to foster culturally competence in academic and clinical education settings. Participants will be engaged in a group activity to promote experiential learning and application using a reflective practice conceptual framework to cultivate culturally- competent practices in classrooms. 1813 How Using Improv Became a Revolutionary Tool for Reframing Supervisor Feedback & Fostering Clinician Independence SA 1:00PM-2:00PM / CC, 105 (Lvl 1) Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Karolyn Mirasola, Children’s Hosp of Wisconsin; Grace Mc Laughlin, Marquette U Clinical supervisors of graduate clinician externs rarely receive specific training about how to mold their students into independent practitioners. In this session, a student will share how having a psychologically safe space to make mistakes, being comfortable with discomfort, and using the rules of improv, increased her clinical and personal skills and provided her supervisor with improved supervision tools. 1814 Modifying Online Discussion Forums - Implications for Student Engagement SA 1:00PM-2:00PM / CC, 102AB (Lvl 1) Introductory; Research AUTHOR(S): Laura Imming, U of Wisconsin - Eau Claire; Abby Hemmerich, U of Wisconsin - Eau Claire; Tom Sather, U of Wisconsin - Eau Claire Online discussion forums are an integral part of most online learning environments. However, student preferences indicate generalized dissatisfaction with asynchronous, prompted discussion forums. We present results of two separate research studies modifying traditional online discussion forums: voluntary vs. obligatory posting requirements, and basic versus extended prompts. Student engagement measures, course outcomes, and implications for discussion forum modifications will be discussed. 1815 Perceptions on Formal Instruction on Counseling SA 1:00PM-2:00PM / CC, 259AB (Lvl 2) Introductory; Research AUTHOR(S): Cari Tellis, Misericordia U; Orlando Barone, U of Pennsylvania; Danielle Spagnuolo, Misericordia U; Brianna Spilsbury, Misericordia U; Chantal Whiteduck, Misericordia U; Anna Hershey, Misericordia U The importance of integrating counseling into clinical instruction is widely accepted. This presentation will highlight results of a survey sent to licensed speech-language pathologists who took a counseling course in graduate school. Participants were asked to answer questions related to the usefulness of this coursework to their careers. Applications to clinical instruction and clinical work will be discussed.