2018 ASHA CONVENTION PROGRAM BOOK • 125 ORAL SEMINARS • FRIDAY 1306 Empowering School-Based SLPs to Respond Appropriately to FC & RPM Requests FR 8:00AM-10:00AM / CC, 203 (Lvl 2) Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Bronwyn Hemsley, U of Technology Sydney; Diane Paul, ASHA; Meher Banajee, LSU Health Sciences Ctr; Marie Ireland, Virginia Dept of Educ; Howard Shane, Boston Children’s Hosp; Ralf Schlosser, Northeastern U; Russell Lang, Texas St U In this seminar, a panel of clinicians and researchers will explore the full range of problematic issues related to ‘Facilitated Communication’ (FC) (also called ‘Supported Typing’) and ‘Rapid Prompting Method’ (RPM). The seminar is aimed at school-based SLPs. The law and ethical code of conduct will be considered in ways to respond appropriately to requests for FC and RPM. 1307 Expanding Augmentative & Alternative Communication Opportunities: Using Core Vocabulary in Early Literacy Instructional Routines FR 8:00AM-10:00AM / CC, 254A (Lvl 2) Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Penelope Hatch, Ctr for Literacy & Disability Studies, UNC at Chapel Hill; Lori Geist, Ctr for Literacy & Disability Studies, UNC at Chapel Hill; Karen Erickson, Ctr for Literacy & Disability Studies, UNC at Chapel Hill Core vocabulary consists of a small set of words used frequently to communicate across contexts. This session will describe how speech-language pathologists can use and/or support teachers in using core vocabulary in early literacy instructional routines, thus providing students with complex communication needs with ongoing and varied opportunities to see and use the core vocabulary throughout their school day. 1308 From Research to Practice in AAC: Developing Communication Through Engagement FR 8:00AM-10:00AM / CC, 208 (Lvl 2) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Kathy Beatty, The Speech Pathology Group; Karen Natoci, The Speech Pathology Group This presentation is intended to share research- based interventions to SLPs providing services to AAC learners in the educational setting. Guidelines for developing demanding, engaging strategies will be provided, including a rubric that promotes success and cognitive clarity. Meaningful and challenging interventions to engage children using AAC will be discussed, along with videos examples of all age groups and abilities. AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS (SLP) 1309 Help for Students Deemed “Uncooperative” or Highly Anxious: Mental Health Concerns & Treatment Ideas FR 8:00AM-10:00AM / CC, Ballroom West Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Michelle Winner, Social Thinking; Pamela Crooke, Social Thinking A strong relationship between those with higher level ASD and Social Communication Disorder and anxiety; some students also are considered oppositional. We will review mental health concerns, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and how this links to practical strategies SLPs can use when teaching social communication concepts and skills - especially when working with students referred to as “uncooperative” or highly anxious. 1310 What SLPs Need to Know About Sensory Regulation in Young Children With ASD FR 8:00AM-10:00AM / CC, 104ABC (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Sallie Nowell, U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Michaela Dubay, U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Linda Watson, U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Jonet Artis, U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Ranita Anderson, U of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Sensory regulatory features (SRFs) affect the majority of children with ASD, and impact communication outcomes in children with ASD; therefore, it is critical that SLPs know about SRFs and have strategies to address these features. We will present what SLPs need to know about SRFs and communication, and specific intervention strategies to target SRFs to improve child communication. BUSINESS AND PRACTICE MANAGEMENT (GI) 1311 Medicaid Managed Care: The Basics & Beyond FR 8:00AM-10:00AM / CC, 259AB (Lvl 2) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Shannon Butkus, U of Texas Health Science Ctr Sch of Pub Health Managed care is the dominant service delivery model for children’s Medicaid. This session provides an overview of Medicaid managed care and discusses regulatory requirements that managed care organizations must adhere to concerning the provision of benefits and the prior authorization process. The session also provides strategies for interacting with managed care organizations concerning reimbursement rates and timely claims payments. CRANIOFACIAL AND VELOPHARYNGEAL DISORDERS (SLP) 1312 Evaluation Procedures for Children With Resonance Disorders or Suspected Velopharyngeal Insufficiency FR 8:00AM-10:00AM / Westin, Commonwealth AB Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Ann Kummer, Cincinnati Children’s Children with resonance disorders (hypernasality, hyponasality, or cul-de-sac resonance) or suspected velopharyngeal insufficiency present challenges for SLPs in all settings. This presentation will provide practicing clinicians with effective low-tech evaluation procedures for making a differential diagnosis. This diagnosis is needed to determine when speech therapy is indicated versus a referral to an ENT or a craniofacial team for physical management. CULTURAL AND LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY (GI) 1313 Effects of Market-Driven Educational Reform on Urban Students With Disabilities: Promoting Just & Inclusive Schools FR 8:00AM-10:00AM / CC, 107B (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Federico Waitoller, U of Illinois at Chicago; Danai Fannin, Northern Illinois U This session is developed, and speakers invited by, Cultural and Linguistic Diversity and SIG 14: Cultural and Linguistic Diversity. This session will explore how public policies impact culturally and linguistically diverse children with communication disorders. A special education expert will highlight current educational concerns and provide strategies to promote social justice for those children and families who are especially vulnerable to marginalization.