2018 ASHA CONVENTION PROGRAM BOOK • 155 ORAL SEMINARS • FRIDAY BUSINESS AND PRACTICE MANAGEMENT (GI) 1539 Can Videos Increase Attendance & Patient Preparedness for Speech- Language Evaluations? FR 3:45PM-4:45PM / CC, 154 (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Maria Sylvia, Massachusetts General Hosp; Emilia Motroni, MGH IHP Non-attendance results in suboptimal use of staff and increases waiting time for patients. Additionally, vulnerable patient populations may not come prepared with necessary paperwork. A retrospective pre-post comparison study was conducted to examine the use of a clinician- developed informational video sent to families via text message to increase attendance rates and family preparedness for speech- language evaluations. 1540 State Medicaid Challenges – Lessons Learned, Lessons Applied FR 3:45PM-4:45PM / CC, 156AB (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Robyn Earley, Mass Tex Imaging; Kathleen Helfrich-Miller, Rehabilitation Specialists; Carol Morse, Billings Clinic; Laurie Havens, ASHA If you know one state, you know one state is an often-used cliché about Medicaid, but there are many more similarities than there are differences. ASHA experts will share their experiences to help members address current changes and prepare for those that may be forthcoming. CULTURAL AND LINGUISTIC DIVERSITY (GI) 1541 Benefits of Dynamic Assessment in Assessing Children Who are Multilingual FR 3:45PM-4:45PM / Westin, Lewis Introductory; Research AUTHOR(S): Hanna Ehlert, Leibniz U of Hannover, Germany The presented study examines the value of a Dynamic Assessment (DA) task using graduated prompting in identifying language impairment in multilingual children at kindergarten age growing up in Germany (L2). Preliminary results show the contribution of this short DA task (with a focus on grammar and subject-verb-agreement) for assessment of child language. 1542 Speakaboo: A New Tool for Screening Speech Development in Multilingual Children FR 3:45PM-4:45PM / CC, 161 (Lvl 1) Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Mirjam Blumenthal, Royal Dutch Kentalis; Liesbeth Van der Zijden, Royal Dutch Kentalis; Vikas Grover, Kean U; Nidhi Mahendra, San Jose St U The purpose of this session is to present an innovative, technological solution - the Speakaboo app, for assessing emerging speech development in young children who are bi/ multilingual. Featured presentation topics include study background and aims, Speakaboo features, existing language versions, feasibility and clinical utility data, and researcher reflections on the importance of international collaboration to better serve linguistically diverse populations. 1546 Culture, Language & Health Literacy: Lessons from a Healthcare Interpreter & Language-access Perspective FR 3:45PM-4:45PM / CC, 107B (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Wilma Alvarado-Little, New York State Depart of Health/Office of Minority Health & Health Disparities Prevention This session is developed by, and presenters invited by, Health Literacy and Communication and Cultural and Linguistic Diversity. Collaborative decision-making necessitates that speech-language pathologists and audiologists provide clients with information that is culturally and linguistically appropriate and relevant. This seminar addresses the dynamic interplay between culture, language and equitable access to services. Drawing from the speaker’s decades-long experience as a healthcare interpreter, attendees will learn strategies to support the health literacy of diverse populations and their families. FLUENCY (SLP) 1543 Brain Research in Stuttering: How Do Recent Advancements Translate to Clinical Practice? FR 3:45PM-4:45PM / CC, 210B (Lvl 2) Intermediate; Research AUTHOR(S): Deryk Beal, U of Toronto; Bridget Walsh, Michigan St U This seminar is developed by, and presenters invited by, Fluency. Over the past decade, there have been significant advancements in brain research in stuttering. Yet, clinicians commonly report difficulties understanding how these findings apply to the assessment and/or treatment of persons who stutter. The present session will review recent brain research and how these advancements translate to best practice. GLOBAL ISSUES AND PRACTICES (GI) 1544 How To Survive Your First Year in a Title 1 School FR 3:45PM-4:45PM / CC, 151AB (Lvl 1) Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Wyndi Capeci, EBS Healthcare & Jacksonville U; Bethany Walker, Anchor Speech & Language Most of us have a career road map in our heads. Even veteran speech-language pathologists can be surprised by the challenges and frustrations when transitioning into a Title 1 school. These speed bumps and detours will be matched with resources and solution suggestions that will create a positive journey and outcome for both you and your students. 1545 The Role of Speech Pathology on an International Cleft Team: Programming in Lambayeque, Peru FR 3:45PM-4:45PM / CC, 109AB (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Hannah Sanford-Keller, Oregon Health & Science U/Institute on Dev’mt & Disability Speech-language pathologists play a critical role on multidisciplinary teams providing global cleft care. This presentation will discuss speech pathology programming in Peru as part of the FACES Foundation. Topics will include the role of speech pathology on an international team, cultural/ethical considerations and implications for care, and resources for speech pathologists who are interested in joining an international team.