2018 ASHA CONVENTION PROGRAM BOOK • 165 ORAL SEMINARS • FRIDAY 1617 The Relationship Between Morphosyntactic Markers & Abstract Linguistic Structure in Language Evaluation FR 5:00PM-6:00PM / CC, 254A (Lvl 2) Introductory; Research AUTHOR(S): Barbara Zurer Pearson, U of Massachusetts - Amherst; Janice Jackson, DeKalb County Sch Dist & Speaking Strategies Inc. Scores on understanding and producing two types of linguistic structures—1) explicitly marked versus 2) those with underlying, implicit relationships—were compared among 1,000 children ages 4-12yrs from African- American-English and mainstream-American- English language communities. Regardless of ethnicity, skills were moderately correlated, but dissociation was also observed, as there were children with low-explicit marking and high scores on implicit relationships, and vice-versa. LANGUAGE DISORDERS IN ADULTS (SLP) 1618 Delivering Person-Centred Care in the Hospital Setting: The Inpatient Functional Communication Interview FR 5:00PM-6:00PM / CC, 253C (Lvl 2) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Robyn O’Halloran, La Trobe U This session is developed by, and presenters invited by, Language Disorders in Adults. This interactive session will provide participants with the background knowledge and skills to conduct the Inpatient Functional Communication Interview (IFCI). Participants will learn how to use the results of the IFCI to determine the communication supports patients need to communicate and participate in their healthcare and how this information can also be used to create communicatively accessible healthcare environments. 1619 Helping People With Aphasia Compensate for Reading Comprehension Challenges FR 5:00PM-6:00PM / Westin, Harbor Ballroom I Intermediate; Research AUTHOR(S): Kelly Knollman-Porter, Miami U; Jessica Brown, U of Arizona; Sarah Wallace, Duquesne U; Karen Hux, Quality Living, Inc The purpose of this presentation is to review recent evidence about reading comprehension supports for people with aphasia. We will review research examining the perspectives of people with aphasia regarding reading comprehension changes after stroke. We will also discuss the results and implications of preliminary studies examining visuographic and text-to-speech system features to support reading comprehension by people with aphasia. LANGUAGE IN INFANTS THROUGH PRESCHOOLERS (SLP) 1620 Addressing Maternal Gatekeeping in Early Intervention FR 5:00PM-6:00PM / Westin, Commonwealth C Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Jane Puhlman, U of Maine; Daniel Puhlman, U of Maine To effectively empower families, EI providers must be able to meet the needs of both mothers and fathers. Maternal gatekeeping, a family dynamic that may limit or support father involvement will be discussed. Strategies to support coparenting and child development within the context of maternal gatekeeping will be shared. 1621 Joining Forces: A Summer Program for Preschoolers With Speech-Language & Behavioral Challenges FR 5:00PM-6:00PM / CC, 210B (Lvl 2) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Mildred Suarez, Speech Pathology Educational Center, Inc.; Samantha Vaquerano, Speech Pathology Educational Center, Inc.; Sisan Walker Angel, U of Cincinnati; Katie Hart, Florida Int’l U; Paulo Graziano, Florida Int’l U Co-existing disruptive behaviors with Language Impairment (LI) have been well documented in preschool children. This presentation will report on an innovative, 8 week, intensive model within the Summer Treatment Program (Pre-K). The importance of a combined, therapeutic-educational model within a dynamic environment will be discussed along with practical tips for behavioral management, increased interprofessional collaboration and clinical implications. LEADERSHIP, ETHICS, AND PROFESSIONAL ISSUES (GI) 1622 Pause, Presence, & Peace: Co-creating Safe & Healing Environments With Families FR 5:00PM-6:00PM / Westin, Grand Ballroom CD Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Stephanie Coe, Children’s Hosp Colorado; Christine Griffin, Children’s Hosp Colorado SLPs and Audiologists regularly communicate with patients and families regarding a patient’s care path, which can be emotional. Care providers are subject to compassion fatigue and burnout especially within healthcare. This interactive presentation will provide tools and practices focusing on personal resiliency in order to provide a safe and healing environment for challenging or sensitive conversations with families. 1623 So You Want to be an ASHA Journal Reviewer? FR 5:00PM-6:00PM / Westin, Grand Ballroom E Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Julie Liss, Arizona St U; Shelley Gray, Arizona St U; Michael Cannon, ASHA; Julie Barkmeier-Kraemer, U of Utah Your questions answered: “I just received an invitation to review a manuscript! Should I accept? Am I ready? I’m so busy, can I spare the time? What do I get in return? Am I enough of an expert on this topic to do a good job? What if I decline? Will there be negative consequences for me?” 1624 The Minimalist SLP: Making Do With Less so You Can Ultimately Accomplish More FR 5:00PM-6:00PM / Westin, Lewis Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Nicole Allison, Speech Peeps Speech-language pathologists working in schools are experiencing burnout at an alarming rate. But it’s not because we’re not doing enough. This session will explore a reverse view of the “More is Best” philosophy by supplying research to reestablish priorities, sharing practical therapy ideas using virtually no materials, and providing timesaving shortcuts by ultimately doing less but accomplishing more.