2018 ASHA CONVENTION PROGRAM BOOK • 177 ORAL SEMINARS • SATURDAY 1768 WordPower Suite for Saltillo & TouchChat App: Design Analysis & Implementation Strategies SA 10:30AM-11:30AM / CC, 207 (Lvl 2) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Nancy Inman, Inman Innovations, Inc.; Lisa Timm, Saltillo Corporation; Rena Carney, Saltillo Corporation WordPower for Saltillo and TouchChat has grown into a suite of AAC vocabularies ranging from 20 to 140 locations. Consistency of design between files makes communication easy and intuitive. Vocabularies will be demonstrated and client videos shown. Cool, advanced features include voice assist, texting, literacy and written language activities, and scanning. Saltillo’s new implementation support programs will be highlighted. AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS (SLP) 1769 Beyond a Break: Sensory Strategies for the SLP to Increase Engagement & On Task Behaviors SA 10:30AM-11:30AM / CC, 153ABC (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Joseph Barimo, Piller Child Dev’mt; Aimee Piller, Piller Child Dev’mt This session will focus on providing practical sensory strategies for the speech language pathologist to utilize within sessions to increase attention, engagement, and on task behaviors for children with autism spectrum disorder. The session will define basis sensory integration and provide information as to how therapists can utilize sensory techniques to increase language and communication. 1770 Beyond First Words: The Evidence for Gestalt Language Acquisition SA 10:30AM-11:30AM / CC, 157ABC (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Lillian Stiegler, Southeastern Louisiana U; Margery Blanc, Comm Dev Ctr First words dominate our view of children’s language development – for good reason. We can hear them, we understand their referents, and they provide the building blocks for grammatical utterances. But that’s just part of the language development story. Strong evidence for gestalt language acquisition is coming from both Speech-Language Pathology and Applied Linguistics and it’s compelling. 1771 Dynamic Assessment & Intervention for Subgroups of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder SA 10:30AM-11:30AM / CC, Ballroom East Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Katharine Bouser, Children’s Hosp of Philadelphia Children with autism spectrum disorder present with a wide range of language abilities that necessitate individualized treatment plans. This presentation will introduce distinct language profiles that are commonly observed in this population, with a focus on functional assessment and treatment methods. The presenter will discuss strategies to support initiation, increase symbolic communication, and expand length of utterance. 1772 Parent Report of Daily Language Use in ASD: Patterns of Pronoun & Question Acquisition SA 10:30AM-11:30AM / CC, 156AB (Lvl 1) Advanced; Research AUTHOR(S): Rhiannon Luyster, Emerson Coll This session is developed by, and presenters invited by, Autism Spectrum Disorders. A parent- report survey addressed pronoun mastery and question asking in young children with and without ASD. Children with ASD showed frequent use of pronouns and unique patterns of errors. Similarly, although children with ASD used meaningful questions, the frequency and type of questions differed from that observed in children without ASD. These results lend new insights to clinical efforts. 1773 Welcome to the UPS Store: How May I Help You? SA 10:30AM-11:30AM / Westin, Grand Ballroom B Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Pamela Wiley, Los Angeles Speech & Language Therapy Ctr, Inc.; Betholyn Gentry, U of Arkansas for Med Sciences/U of Arkansas at Little Rock As high functioning individuals with autism spectrum disorder mature into adulthood parents and professionals are challenged to identify meaningful employment opportunities. This presentation shares a first of its kind work training program provided in the UPS Store Learning Lab. This lab is located in a speech- language pathology clinic and participants learn work place skills that help them obtain real employment. 1774 Why AAC Sometimes Fails With ASD—A Framework for Evaluation & Establishing Initial Treatment Goals SA 10:30AM-11:30AM / CC, Ballroom West Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Georgina Lynch, Dept of Speech & Hearing Sciences, Elson S. Floyd Coll of Med, Washington St U In ASD, behaviors often interfere with functional use of AAC, leading to device abandonment. A tiered approach to evaluating AAC use and social communication in relation to EBP will be presented. Evaluation of unconventional communication behaviors will be explained using preference assessments. Assessment of communication and behavioral techniques promoting AAC will also demonstrate how to transition from PECS to SGDs. BUSINESS AND PRACTICE MANAGEMENT (GI) 1775 Hearing Matters: Audiologists & SLPs Role in Hearing Health Messaging SA 10:30AM-11:30AM / Westin, Harbor Ballroom I Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Vickie Tuten, Defense Hearing Ctr of Excellence; Kathy Gates, Defense Hearing Ctr of Excellence What if we as audiologists and speech language pathologists engaged our patients and our communities in a dialogue about hearing health and hearing loss prevention? By the completion of this presentation you will have effective hearing loss prevention strategies and tools to assist you in integrating prevention into the local clinic mission, individual patient encounters, and in community outreach events.