132 • 2018 ASHA CONVENTION PROGRAM BOOK As of July 31, 2018 AUGMENTATIVE AND ALTERNATIVE COMMUNICATION (AAC) (SLP) 1361 22nd Annual Edwin & Esther Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture: Breaking the Walls of NO & CAN’T FR 10:30AM-11:30AM / CC, 156AB (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Todd Hutchinson, U of Buffalo This session is developed by, and presenters invited by, SIG 12: Augmentative and Alternative Communication. The 22nd Edwin and Esther Prentke AAC Distinguished Lecture is presented by Todd Hutchinson. Todd discusses how a diagnosis of cerebral palsy does not define him as an individual. His challenges have fueled his determination, including his battle with the state of New York to be allowed to live independently. 1362 Enhancing the Rigor of AAC Research: The Method Behind the Madness FR 10:30AM-11:30AM / CC, 211 (Lvl 2) Advanced; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Cathy Binger, U of New Mexico; Jennifer Kent-Walsh, U of Central Florida As the AAC field grows, ensuring the methodological rigor of the research base is crucial. This session will examine the state of the science in behavioral AAC research with regard to changes and opportunities in research methodologies, including contextual considerations in conducting AAC research, types of research designs, procedural rigor, and future methodological directions and resources. 1363 Hot Topics in Behavioral Approaches to Communication Intervention FR 10:30AM-11:30AM / CC, 160ABC (Lvl 1) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Catherine Horton, Pyramid Educational Consultants, Inc.; Lori Frost, Pyramid Educational Consultants, Inc.; Jo-Anne Matteo, Pyramid Educational Consultants, Inc.; Jill Waegenaere, Pyramid Educational Consultants, Inc. This session explores current hot topics in AAC, while defining the differences in jargon and teaching approaches between BCBAs and SLPs. Three primary topics will be explored including variations in perspectives related to Aided Language Stimulation/Modeling, core vocabulary and presumed competence. Compromises in jargon and practical implementation will be proposed as a bridge to collaboration between the fields. 1364 Peer Support Interventions: Promoting Communication, Inclusion, & Relationships for Students Who Use AAC FR 10:30AM-11:30AM / CC, 212 (Lvl 2) Intermediate; Research AUTHOR(S): Elizabeth Biggs, U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Speech-language pathologists have a critical role supporting communication, participation, and membership in inclusive settings for students who use AAC. This presentation addresses two studies investigating the effectiveness of peer support interventions to improve communication and peer interaction in social and academic inclusive settings. Implications for clinical practice and future research will be shared. 1365 Structural Analysis of the Syntax of Young Aided AAC Users FR 10:30AM-11:30AM / CC, 203 (Lvl 2) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Margaret Vento-Wilson, Chapman U A review of the research describing the syntax of young, aided AAC users presents an opportunity to locate the structural patterns within a larger frame of reference, specifically the parallels between the language of young aided AAC users, and pidgins and interlanguages. Do these constructs demonstrate isolated exceptions of universal language acquisition patterns, or can there be alternative explanations? 1366 The Cognitively Demanding Task Matrix – for Systematic AAC Instruction FR 10:30AM-11:30AM / CC, 251 (Lvl 2) Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Sarah Wakabayashi, Boston Pub Schs; Kimberly Kulasekaran, Boston Pub Schs School districts are pushing schools to provide instruction that is accessible to all without compromising cognitive demand. How does this apply to students with disabilities who also deserve instruction that is challenging? The Cognitively Demanding Task Matrix incorporates concepts of behavioral and cognitive theory in order to analyze the cognitive demands of various AAC systems and how we teach them. AUTISM SPECTRUM DISORDERS (SLP) 1367 Critical Issues in Early Language Training using Augmentative & Alternative Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorders FR 10:30AM-11:30AM / Westin, Grand Ballroom B Intermediate; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Oliver Wendt, Purdue U; Barbara Weber, Private Practice This session will tackle with critical intervention issues in augmentative and alternative communication for autism. Discussion will center around (1) How early can AAC start? (2) How appropriate is core vocabulary? (3) What are (dis)advantages of motor planning? and (4) How can AAC enhance speech production? Strategies will be shared for early speech and language learning within daily routines. BUSINESS AND PRACTICE MANAGEMENT (GI) 1368 Developing Fair & Measured Approaches to Clinical Productivity FR 10:30AM-11:30AM / CC, 107C (Lvl 1) Introductory; Prof Educ AUTHOR(S): Derek Stiles, Boston Children’s Hosp; Wendy Steuerwald, Cincinnati Children’s Hosp Med Ctr; Joy Peterson, Children’s Hosp of Philadelphia This session is developed by, and presenters invited by, Business and Practice Management. Like any business, it is important for speech and hearing clinics to develop a method of measuring productivity to evaluate how work is distributed across employees and sites. We describe our multi-center project in developing a productivity measure for our pediatric audiology clinics. We will share our successes, mistakes and recommendations for clinicians and administrators interested in developing productivity metrics.